Today's archidose #578
Here are some detail photos of a couple Carlo Scarpa-designed showrooms in Italy. Photographs are by d.teil, whose captions follow each photo. Be sure to check out d.teil's Scarpa's world flickr set for more photos of these and other Scarpa projects.
Olivetti Showroom, Venice (1957-58):
["The magical servant entrance door."]
["The greatest stair on earth (or something like this)."]
["d.teil [sic] of a small built-in closet on the first floor (for electricity?) inside a column."]
Gavina Showroom, Bologna (1961-63):
["d.teil of the facade."]
["d.teil of the column-like closet."]
["After making space in the toy shop i was able to see the full built in closet."]
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Olivetti Showroom, Venice (1957-58):
["The magical servant entrance door."]
["The greatest stair on earth (or something like this)."]
["d.teil [sic] of a small built-in closet on the first floor (for electricity?) inside a column."]
Gavina Showroom, Bologna (1961-63):
["d.teil of the facade."]
["d.teil of the column-like closet."]
["After making space in the toy shop i was able to see the full built in closet."]
To contribute your Flickr images for consideration, just:
:: Join and add photos to the archidose pool, and/or
:: Tag your photos archidose
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